Tuesday 30 August 2016

Random String Python Text Classifier Example

In this post I'm going to explain how to write a simple NaiveBayes text classifier in Python and provide some example code.

Machine Learning!? Awesome!!1!

My original goal was to tell the difference between regular dictionary words and random strings. I looked at using manual ngram frequency analysis and this partially worked but I wanted to try out an ML solution for comparison.

I don't have much ML experience but it was easy to build a working script using the scikit library. This library abstracts away much of the mathematical complexity and offers a quick and high level way to implement ML concepts. In just a few lines of python I was able to build a classifier with 93% accuracy.

It's worth mentioning I did not use the "bag of words" approach as I was looking at analysing the structure of individual words as opposed to sentences. Changing the CountVectorizer parameters you could look at sentences or groups of words.

Building a Classifier

Building a classifier is quite simple, you just need to collect your data, format it, vectorize it, then train your model. In my script below I pretty much follow that process. First up I read in some data using pandas. I have two csv data sets, one file has normal dictionary words, the other random words. Each row contains the type, 0 or 1 (normal or random), and then the data which is just a word. For example:

normal.csv random.csv
0,apple 1,fdsgsdgfdg
0,banana 1,plicawq
0,orange               1,mncdlppl

In each file I used the first 5000 words for training and the last 5000 for testing. To vectorize the words I used the CountVectorizer with the ngram function, this breaks the words up based on their ngrams and converts them to numbers.

With the data ready I used the "fit" function to train the classifier with the training data set. To measure the accuracy of the model I used the "score" function and test data set. And finally to manually test some values I used the "predict" function. In the end my classifier could function with a 93% accuracy which I thought was pretty good considering I made hardly any customisations.

I used the Multinomial Naive Bayes function as this was recommended however other algorithms may work more effectively. The classifier and vectorizer also support a number of additional parameters that can be adjusted to improve the accuracy, I modified them only slightly, further improvements could likely be made here as well.

The Code

The following requires Python 2.7, scikit, pandas and also the two csv files containing data as described above.

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
import pandas as pd
from time import time

#Start timer
t0 = time()

#Create classifier and vectorizer
clf = MultinomialNB(alpha=0.1)
vec = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char_wb', ngram_range=(2, 4), min_df=1)

#Read in wordset and vectorize words
#Training data
train_set = pd.concat(pd.read_csv(f, names=["type","word"], nrows=5000) for f in ["normal.csv","random.csv"])
train_types = train_set.type.tolist()
train_words = vec.fit_transform(train_set.word.tolist())

#Test data
test_set = pd.concat(pd.read_csv(f, names=["type","word"], skiprows=5000, nrows=5000) for f in ["normal.csv","random.csv"])
test_types = test_set.type.tolist()
test_words = vec.transform(test_set.word.tolist())

#Train classifier
clf.fit(train_words, train_types)
train_time = time() - t0
print("Training time: %0.3fs" % train_time)

#Use test data to evaluate classifier
print "Accuracy is " + str(clf.score(test_words, test_types))
test_time = time() - train_time - t0
print("Testing time: %0.3fs" % test_time)

#Classify words
testdata = ['xgrdqwlpfrr','apple']
print testdata
print clf.predict(vec.transform(testdata))

predict_time = time() - test_time - train_time - t0
print("Predict time: %0.3fs" % predict_time)

Running the script should give you something like the following:

Scikit Tips

If you're trying to install scikit in windows you'll need to install the relevant .whl package. In Linux I had to upgrade pip before it would install.

Final Thoughts

I was amazed how quick and easy it was to write a simple classifier, machine learning has definitely gone mainstream. I focused on finding the difference between normal and random strings however classifiers can be used to tell the difference between all kinds of data sets.

Obviously being a security blog you may be wondering why I'd be looking into text classifiers. Well when analysing data to detect attackers you'll often want to classify various activity. Performing analysis with a classifier can give some interesting results :)

Hope you guys have found this useful, any questions or comments, leave a message below.

Pwndizzle out.


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    It’s always one of the best in class and one stop solution to get in touch with the troubleshooting experts and engineers. For the purpose of getting the immediate technical assistance in order to deal with Cash App Refund related problems and hurdles, you should approach them using various other modes according to your needs and comfort. https://www.monktech.net/blog/cash-app-refund-process/

  74. Exterminate The Drivers Hurdles Using Epson Support Service

    Have you been in the problems of drivers pertaining to your Epson printer? For the purpose of getting rid of such hurdles, you should get the solution to your problems. In such a case, you should make use of the Epson Support and help service and get rid of the solution to your problems in no time.

  75. Executives Are At Your Doorstep For Your Paypal to Cash App Solution

    You just don’t need to go for here and there to get the feasible solution to all your Paypal to Cash App
    problems. Afterwards, you will be able to interact to professionals who will give the solution to your glitches. Here, you will get your refund and have the hassle free experience on the cash app.

  76. What is Epson 0x97 fix patch?
    If you find Epson 0x97 fix patch message displayed on the screen while trying to work with the Epson printer, then you need not panic. In this condition, the printer stops all work associated with it, whether it is printing or scanning. you need not to panic and simply contact to Epson support. https://www.epsonprintersupportpro.net/blog/how-to-fix-epson-error-0x97/

  77. How Do I Add Detail Of Your Products On The Facebook Marketplace? Don’t know how to add details of your products Facebook Marketplace ? Are you facing some sorts of technical problems pertaining to the marketplace? Get in touch with technical professionals who will surely provide you with the right kind of guidance regarding the same, in a proper manner

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  79. Opt For The Facebook Support Service Regarding Messenger Problems
    • Are you using Facebook messenger for a long time?
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    • Why don’t you avail the right kind of assistance from the experts?
    Avail the Facebook support service and get the one stop backing at the comfort of your home.

  80. Hacked Account Recovery Is Possible At Facebook Customer Service
    Sometimes, hackers hacked your account and started using your Facebook account for the negative purposes. In such a case, you should make use of the Facebook customer service which will surely provide you with the one stop backing in a couple of seconds. Here, a tech professional will respond your query and provide you with the aid.

  81. • Problems pertaining to your Yahoo mail account password
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    Security is the inbuilt feature of facebook product, and it is the necessity of every facebook user. If you want to protect your Facebook account from third party hacks, then you need to give extra attention to it. To know tips & tricks to secure your account, or enable two factor authentication or other security features, join our Facebook Support team now.


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    It’s really irritating when you want to reset password of your Amazon Account but some errors pop up. At such instance, grabbing accurate help for Amazon Password Reset is all you require. Discuss your problems with capable team of Amazon to get it eradicated within short time frame. Apart from password solutions, they resolve other issues too. Services are accessible round the clock.

  84. Always be one step ahead, join Facebook Support to optimize your Facebook
    Facebook is a better place to accomplish your online business goals. Facebook business page, marketplace and ads are some useful functionalities that may Facebook Support you grow your online business through Facebook. If you want to know some effective tips to create your Facebook page, manage your ads or boost your posts, then we have a better solution for you. Connect with us dialling our support number, and get a part of an instant.

  85. Issues faced by Yahoo are of different types and casualties. Certain issues are easy to fix but are extremely urgent whereas some are tough to tackle. Thanks to the

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    Are you countering yahoo account accessibility problems in your iPhone or Android phones? Account related accessibility issues are extremely urgent as customers gets

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  87. Can’t remember fb password? Get to us at Yahoo Help
    Yahoo passwords are a must to gain access in your fb accounts as it ensures that only an authentic person has access to the social networking site. However, if you can’t remember the password then don’t break a sweat. Just reach us at Yahoo Help. Well assist you in obtaining your password.


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  91. Why go for Facebook Marketplace?
    In the 21st century, which is also the digital age, people want to do their business online. Be it selling/buying commodities. Everyone wants to take their business to the net as it has more reach than any other medium. This is where Facebook Marketplace
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  92. Is Cash app down right now? Ask me how to troubleshoot it.
    Is Cash app down right now and are you looking for a way to fix it somehow? If so, then there is nothing to do from your end, and you just need to make a call on the toll-free number of the customer support because only they can help you to get rid of it in such a situation.

  93. “How do I get refund from Cash app”, hardly takes 3 days. Call me to know-how.
    It is possible to get a refund from the cash app within just three days. I can help you with it. So, dial my toll-free number to know how do I get a refund from Cash within just three days, and how soft it is to apply the required process. Ring my number fast.

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  95. Find out How do I talk to a cash App representative?
    Most of the cash application clients grumble with download or introduce the updates appropriately and confronting numerous issues in doing as such. Well on the off chance that you are one of those clients confronting issues like this way and need to chat with a cash app representative. Don't stress we will assist you with finding the response to
    How do I talk to a cash App representative?

  96. Need some help against the Verizon service issue? Dial Verizon wireless phone number.
    If you are the Verizon Wireless services user, and if you have any problem with any of their services, and you are getting yourself unable to fix it, then, call us asap, and allow us at our toll-free Verizon wireless phone number to fix the issue for you. We can help you in getting out of such issues in a convenient way.


  97. Know How do I talk to a cash App representative

    Many cash app users complain regarding the fact that they are not able to download or install the updates properly and facing many issues in doing so. Well if you are one of those users facing similar issues like this and want to talk to a cash app representative. But not able to do so then don’t worry we will help you find the answer to How do I talk to a cash App representative?


  98. When a brother printer is offline, then you may bring it back to online status by making certain changes in its configuration or try to restart the printer.


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  113. Can Cash app refund be trusted?

    Cash app safe to use for most of the part until you follow all the instructions carefully and keep everyone away from your account. Apart from this, never leave your account login in another device. Because maybe someone can misuse it to make a transaction or many more things. If the payment gets deducted, then reach us for a Cash app refund.

  114. Talk to a Cash App Representative to get money back.
    If you make any transaction here due to any reason like personal or purchasing goods and services, but right now you want your money back. So, for this, you need to make a request. If you want money back from an individual, then simply ask them to return money. But, for any store or merchant, you need to apply for a refund. If any issues, then Talk to a Cash App Representative.


  115. Avail Cash App Customer Service number to resolve closing account?
    If your account is found for any ordinary activity, then in this scenario the support team may cancel the request of closing the account. And, they also seized the available funds, BitCoin, Stocks until the investigation is over. So, you must have to keep away from it. If still any issues, then get Cash App Customer Service.

  116. May I trust to Talk to a Cash App Representative?
    Your Cash app account is safer and more secure in use until you follow most parts of the given instruction. And, they work hard on it continuously to keep you safer and secure. You must have to use Touch ID, Face ID, and PIN to secure the account. If having any query here, please Talk to a Cash App Representativeto sort it out.

  117. How does Cash App Dispute happen with your bank?
    Cardholders are eligible for a Cash App Dispute by asking their bank to reverse the charge. Whenever it happens, then the Cash app places a hold on dispute fund until it cleared. Our dispute resolution contact with your bank team until the issue gets resolved.

  118. Issues while joining 2Cash App accounts? Contact Cash App Customer Service phone number.
    You may have set up an old record of Cash App regardless now you have another that you use. In any case, in the event that you need to join the two, by then you can do that in the application. Regardless, on the off chance that you can't join, by then dial the Cash App Customer Service phone number to look at for bearing and help to defeat the issue that you're denying.

  119. Get Cash App Customer Service Phone Number to set up second record?
    Get Cash App Customer Service Phone Number to set up second record?
    To set up a second record on Cash application, you need to ensure that you are not utilizing any one record on your Smartphone at the present time. Since you can just access each record in turn. Thus, for this, you need to log out your record from Square application of your gadget and afterward sign in the second one. For additional, get a Cash App Customer Service Phone Number.

  120. I have created a centurylink email account with the help of centurylink email settings. I have applied all the steps of the settings in the right ways, so I have successfully configured the centurylink email account. Now, I want to open my CenturyLink emails in outlook, but my centurylink email account does not provide IMAP. So I can’t access my emails in MS outlook. Certainly, I do not want to attempt to redirect it via many emails or outlook.com as it is not certainly trustworthy and each path goes through the risky situation. By seeing this entire situation, I am not able to access my all centurylink emails in MS outlook. I am in big technical trouble. I don’t have ideas how to come out from this critical situation. I am applying all my technical skills to sort out this error, but nothing is very helpful. I am very serious at this point because of the urgent tasks. I need to complete the urgent tasks just by accessing emails in MS outlook. So I am going to share this concern with all of you guys. So anyone can share the best ways to solve centurylink emails that do not work in outlook.

  121. A problem in sending money from Apple Pay to Cash App because of send button failure?
    If you are having trouble while transferring money from Apple Pay to Cash App because of an error in the send button. So, in this scenario, you can use the help provided by customer support by dialing the help number and speaking to the representative or use the alternative by navigating to help sites.

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  123. Would i be able to Talk to a Cash App Representative to use two records?
    You can use two records on the Cash application successfully, anyway you have to follow a few conditions. Conditions take after, you ought to have an other adaptable number, email address, PDA, etc. If you face any issue to make another record, by then Talk to a Cash App Representative to decide it.

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  125. Error in Paypal to Cash App transfer due to send button glitch? Call help center.
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    failure, then it’ll be prudent for you to use the assistance that is provided by the help team and get the issue resolved by using the tricks that are made available to you by them or you can get some techniques from the tech support vids.

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  128. Study reveals that many students find report writing a tedious task when they are not aware of fairly standard sections. So as to write a professional business report, the person has to be well equipped with both practice of business and theories, beside some first-hand experience and ways to conduct accurate research to back up the finding.

  129. Would I be able to send cash from Paypal to Cash App at Walmart? Team up with assistance.

    Really, you are proficient would I be able to send cash from Paypal to Cash App at Walmart? PayPal similarly allowed its customers to store money at the Walmart stores. As requirements are, it ends up being fast for you to pull back money from PayPal to pay at any Walmart store. To amass more information, click here.

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  135. Issue in login making how to activate Cash App card disappointment? Find maintain from help.

    You can have issues in login making how to activate Cash App card dissatisfaction, in this manner to choose the disappointment you can utilize exploring help techniques that are accessible in the tech records or you can examine to the tech consultancies to get their proposal on the issue. Regardless of that, you can comparably utilize the help that is open in the tech help locales.

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    QuickBooks Error Code C=51 encounter when you try to remove or delete TxList. You receive a warning message that QuickBooks unable to find the TxList.When you are facing QuickBooks Error Code C=51 then firstly, you shut down this application. And also, you have to contact our QuickBooks Support Team and resolve this error easily.

  137. This is the common question every student has <a href="https://www.examhelp.in/blog/knowledge-of-ibps-bank-po-exam/” >after class 12th result</a> The confusion regarding career, job opportunities, and different courses prevails among the students. According to counselors, the confusion is due to the lack of information about the courses and their career prospects. There are different courses in India which are stream (Science, Commerce, and Arts) specific and others which can be pursued irrespective of the stream

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  139. The interface glitch can be the purpose behind
    how to get money off Cash App without bank account message being shown on screen. By then you should utilize the solid plans that can be found in the particular assistance district and are astoundingly solid. Despite that, you can in like way utilize the conversation highlight of the assistance choice with collaborate with help.

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  141. Can't utilize the draft highlight of Gmail? Contact Gmail customer service.

    The draft highlight of Gmail offers the client the chance to save and send the mail later. In any case, on the off chance that you can't utilize the segment, by then take a stab at finding the arrangement by methods for looking on the web or by inferring particular DIY accounts. Hoping to stay composed, you face an issue, by then contact Gmail customer service for help.

  142. How should we get Cash app customer service to wreck a record?

    Right when you have cashed out your all accessible assets from your Cash app balance, then snap on the record menu picture to obliterate a record. Likewise, when you tap on it, you will get Something Else decision from here. Then, click on the Account setting. Ultimately, go to saddle on the Close My Cash App Account button. In the event that there ought to emerge an event of getting any issues, use Cash app customer service. https://www.mailsupportnumber.com/cash-app-customer-service-number.html


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  145. What means is Gmail down the issue?
    Hello, fix is Gmail down issue without a totally stunning stretch. Thus, push forward to know every one of the potential outlines that you can use to illuminate this issue in a speedier way. You need to use a reestablished assortment of the Gmail application on your contraption. Restart your contraption or go check the Settings segment.

  146. What to do Is Gmail down?
    Sometimes users may face Is Gmail down issues while they are trying to using their Gmail account and at the same time they may face issues due to Gmail server down. Generally, this issue automatically solve after some time. But if the same problem and same error showing again and again then contact with customer service.

  147. How to Delete cash App account from my iPhone or Android phone?
    If you've got deleted your account, you only got to delete the app. On Android, click an app to pick it. Then start to scroll it to the highest of the screen. The ashcan icon will appear. Throw the appliance within the trash and discard it. you'll got to confirm that the way How to Delete cash App account you would like to get rid of the appliance . And if you continue to want help, you'll visit our website.

  148. Troubleshooting HP Printer Offline Problem In Easy Steps

    Printer offline issue is common with all printers however it can still leave you helpless if not fixed immediately. To fix your HP Printer Offline issue, first check if the printer is turned on and connected to the computer properly. Also, check the WiFi connection in case of a wireless printer. Check for system and drivers updates and install them. If nothing of this works, check if the “Use printer offline” mode is on and turn it off.


  149. Though Netflix is the best online streaming app, unfortunately, users might encounter a few troubles sometimes. Netflix error 12001 is one of the several issues that users have reported. Error code 12001 occurs on Netflix at the time you are watching it on your tablet or smartphone. The main reason that causes Netflix error 12001 is the retrieving problem due to some essential data being corrupted or outdated.Netflix ContactThough Netflix is the best online streaming app, unfortunately, users might encounter a few troubles sometimes. Netflix error 12001 is one of the several issues that users have reported. Error code 12001 occurs on Netflix at the time you are watching it on your tablet or smartphone. The main reason that causes Netflix error 12001 is the retrieving problem due to some essential data being corrupted or outdated.Netflix Contact

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  151. If you think about it, can you have 2 cash app accounts in cash? Then, whether you like it or not, the fact is that it is not possible to add two or more debit cards. The Cash app supports debit card registration, or you can call a bank account at a time when you make a payment. However, many other payments, such as PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Google Pay, allow users to sign in to multiple bank accounts. However, you can contact us on our website for more help.

  152. Although, this is a bigger problem than just paying a friend, especially since many people use it to pay their bills. The new "ATM card" exacerbates the problem. Consequently, with an ATM card, customers can open cash and use it as a debit card for purchases or bill payments. The dialed number will lead you to an automatic message with instructions on how to contact the cash app customer service support for the cash register application If you would like to solve more of this type of problem, you can visit our website.

  153. If you receive social media messages, emails, text messages, or phone calls about the cash app customer service, or if you see a phone number that you think is incorrect or Cash. those. support. Although thus, the cash register evaluates and takes the necessary actions. Again, please note that the site does not currently have a phone number that you can call, you can contact our site for more financial information and contact us for financial assistance.

  154. Does Cash App Payment Failed for my protection?
    People are unaware of the truth that sometimes Cash App Payment Failed for the protection of the user. If you try to send money to a suspicious account then the cash app server will automatically cancel the payment. If you do not want to face this issue then we suggest you make payment to only known persons.

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  158. QuickBooks install diagnostic tool can resolve all the technical glitches that users encounter. The glitches can be related to the QuickBooks software or Windows. QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool aids the users in detecting and resolving an issue automatically. It certainly is helpful. If it displays a message of ‘No Errors Detected’ then it might be that you have various unresolved issues. After the installation of QuickBooks is complete, you have to run it only after closing all background applications in your system.

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